“Four Seasons” is a whimsical depiction of a child at play through the seasons, each represented by one of the four sides of the utility box. Located on the campus of Shaker schools, the design captures the wonder and joy of childhood.
The artist, Maisha Afrikah Lewis, is a 2016 graduate of Shaker Heights High School. The utility box art wrap is the culmination of her Senior Project under the direction of art educator Karen DeMauro. Ms. Lewis is currently a student of Visual Communication Design at Kent State University. The aspiring graphic designer credits the art department and especially instructor Keaf Holliday of inspiring students to “go above and beyond” and never give up on their artistic endeavors. |
Building community through the arts. Building the arts through the community.
Building community through the arts
Building the arts through the community
Shaker Arts Council
16781 Chagrin Blvd • PMB 232
Shaker Heights, Ohio 44120
216-916-9360 [email protected]